funding solutions.
why use finance?
There are several key benefits to using finance to fund equipment instead of outright purchase, even if you have the money available:
It’s tax efficient - payments on qualifying leases are written off as direct operating expenses reducing short term taxable income with lease payments offset against taxable profits. VAT can also be reclaimed on
monthly payments.
It’s easier to plan - with fixed interest rates comes fixed monthly payments making it easier to budget.
It’s easier to grow your business - by spreading the cost of equipment over a term, you don’t have to wait until you have saved the funds for outright purchase and you can then use that capital for business activities. It also preserves existing credit lines which extends your access to funding.
You don’t pay your staff three years in advance, so why pay for equipment that way?
methods of finance.
We offer a number of different funding solutions ranging from leasing options for assets to commercial loans. Leasing makes quality equipment affordable with payments in instalments.
We will also consider commercial loans for fit outs and working capital. Payment plans can be tailored to your business requirements and accommodate seasonal payments. We create packages for equipment from as little as £1,000 and offer facilities with terms ranging from 12 months to 7 years.
In order to help your business invest in the equipment it needs to grow, we can provide low-start payment options.
Manage the cost of new equipment through our low-start lease and pay as little as £50.00 per month for up to 6 months*, before full payments start.
We created our low-start option with your business in mind. It enables you to invest in the best equipment now without it affecting your cashflow right away.
- Get the equipment your business needs NOW
- Protect your cashflow
- Build your income before the full payments start
- A tax efficient way to acquire your equipment
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