the admiral knowledge hub.
your questions answered.
We realise that Finance can be complex and uses industry terminology or jargon that can sometimes be confusing. It's important that you have a full understanding of how everything works and are completely comfortable with your contractual obligations.
In order to help our customers with all of this, we've put together the knowledge hub which provides a wealth of information. We aim to add to this so please check back often and don't forget we're always happy to discuss any issues or queries anytime.
your finance questions answered.
Our finance agreements and supporting documentation are easy to use.
The first time you use our documents, you may have some questions and our new business team are always willing to assist. Contact us.
Yes we do, however only where the business has start up capital, and the owner is a UK homeowner and willing to give a personal guarantee.
In addition to the information needed to support a standard proposal, we also require a business plan with financial forecasts.
Generally, we would expect directors to have industry experience.
Lease rental for all trading entity types. Hire purchase and loans for large partnership, Ltd Companies and PLCs.
Yes, we are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FRN 700142.
From 12 months to 5 years on most equipment but some equipment can be leased for 7 years.
it's good to talk.
We realise that running a business isn’t easy and there are many potential pitfalls and possible issues that can lead to cashflow problems. Supporting businesses with financial solutions is in our DNA as products like leasing help you fund the equipment your business needs by spreading the cost over a period of time and are in fact designed to help cashflow. We also provide business loans and other forms of finance which again are designed to support business growth.
Of course everyone wants to meet their contractual obligations, but sometimes factors outside your control might mean that you’re unable. We realise that these situations are inevitably stressful and often it’s embarrassing to admit that things aren’t going well, but the worst thing you can do is ignore them and hope they’ll just go away.
The sooner you talk to us, the more we can do to try and help the situation. It may be that we can provide further financial support, offer a short payment holiday or renegotiate the terms of your agreement. We can only do this, and explain any implications, through dialogue. So please get in touch with us if you think you’re going to miss any repayments as not doing so inevitably affects your credit rating and may make it harder to find a solution. You’ll find that we’re very easy to talk to and that we want to help our customers wherever possible.
Please call us to discuss and see how we can help you.
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