
supplier faq's

Supplier Finance is where a supplier uses an external partner to provide finance options to their clients, thereby making their sales process more efficient.

We have partnering with UK business equipment suppliers and providing finance to their clients for over 35 years. We have become both trusted and integral part of their sales process and most importantly have been proven to make a positive impact on their sales figures.

Working directly with their clients we quickly secure the funding for the equipment they are looking to acquire and once delivered we remit the funds immediately to the supplier.

Supplier finance is beneficial for both the buyer and the supplier.

Call us now on 0161 628 7008 to discuss working with us.

In order to do regulated business with Admiral Leasing & Loans you need to be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Visit the FCA website for more information on this matter.
We do also offer non-regulated leasing options which do not require you to be regulated.

We have been providing business finance for our clients for over 35 years. We are well respected within the industry as a funder and also a broker. We are fully authorised and regulated by the FCA. Our license number is FRN 700142.

We are always looking to work with more suppliers. To discuss how we can work together and the benefits of working with Admiral please call us on 0161 628 7008.

Supplier finance makes it easier for customers to buy from you. When working with the right partner you will see:

  • ·An Increase sales and revenue
  • Less discount
  • Increased order value
  • Quicker invoice payment

Contact us to find out more 0161 628 7008

We work quickly. Once we have all the information we need from the customer to make a funding decision we will get back to you and your customer with an answer within 24 hours, often the same day. We will also pay your invoice quickly.  As soon as the equipment is delivered we will conform with the customer and arrange payment – this is often on the same day as delivery.

ALL business critical equipment is considered including software.

We work with all types of businesses, as well as charitable and public sector organisations. Using our own funds as well as that of our funding partners, we can provide a wide range of financial services including Finance Lease, Hire Purchase, Equipment Refinance, Commercial Loans, Professional Loans, Merchant Cash Advance and also commercial mortgages.

We can consider proposals as low as £1,000 with no upper limit.

We like to keep it as simple as possible. Most of the information we need we take from the customer during a chat with them on the phone. If the customers business is established, they then simply email us copies of recent bank statements then we run credit searches where applicable, and pass to our in house underwriters for a decision. Where the business is new or very newly established, we may require personal bank statements and a business plan. More than anything we are looking to understand the customers business and make sure that they can afford what they are buying – as a responsible lender we do not want to over burden a customer.

The customer has full use of the equipment throughout the agreement and yes we can arrange perpetual use of the equipment in most cases.

From 12 months to 5 years on most equipment but some equipment can be leased for 7 years.

They may have a relationship with their bank but they will also have other commitments with them – loans or overdrafts. Banks are slow decision makers. Using Admiral means that you maintain control of the transaction and we can work with you and the customer to get a quick decision.

It’s simple; we obtain as much information from the customer to build up a picture of their business. Once we have the additional information we need, the customer will email to us so we can get out inhouse underwriters make a decision right away.

Most companies in the marketplace are brokers. We are a funder so we work quickly and flexibly to approve customers for finance. We integrate ourselves into your sales process and we decide who we lend to and on what terms. Approvals are swift and also payments on invoices are quick too – often happening on the day of delivery.

You may be able to afford to buy the equipment outright, but before you make this decision you must consider the following:
All leasing payments are rental payments and as such are an allowable business expense, therefore if a business is making money the profit can be reduced by the amount of the rentals paid each year, which in turn reduces its tax bill.
Payments are normally the same throughout the lease contract. This means that increases in interest rates do not affect the customer and so their cash budget can be utilised more effectively.
Leasing enables a company to protect its cash to use for other needs such as new stock, staff training, advertising, new business opportunities and unexpected expenses.

Your monthly payment is fixed at the start of the lease and so is unaffected by interest rate rises. You can budget your cash flow more accurately. As inflation rises, because your payments are fixed, the cost of the equipment reduces in real terms.

A lease agreement is a contract between you, ‘the customer’, and a leasing company. This enables the customer to have and use a piece of equipment over a period of time on payment of rentals to the leasing company.
With a typical lease agreement, you make a series of regular payments (usually on a monthly basis), thus helping cash flow, as opposed to a large capital outlay for the equipment.
There won’t be a depreciating asset on your books, and can benefit from the tax advantages of paying a lease rental.

Any business wishing to acquire capital equipment should look for the most tax efficient way to purchase.
All lease payments are treated as an allowable business expense and therefore attract tax relief for the full duration of the lease agreement. Your accountant will be able to confirm this.
The repayments on a lease are treated as a rental and therefore attract VAT. The VAT can be reclaimed for VAT qualifying business.
If the business is also making profit, then it will be paying tax on that profit. The repayments on the lease for the financial year can be expensed before the pre-tax profit is declared.
Even if a business is not profitable and cannot claim any tax benefit, the flexibility that a lease offers is sufficient justification alone for many businesses to choose this financing option.

No, unlike many companies in the marketplace, we can provide finance facilities for sole traders, partnerships, limited companies, PLCs and Public Bodies.

Yes, should a business wish to pay off the agreement early, a settlement figure can be provided at any time.

Absolutely yes.
We are licensed by the FCA.  We also comply with all current legislation under the Data Protection Act.

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